Together we can make a difference
Your kind support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and it will give a huge impact to the lives of our fellow Filipino children and indigent families .
501(c)(3) (EIN- 84-2197490)
Check out this great videoWith the powerful kindness of the Almighty who blessed our hearts, and all our donors, with love and compassion in extending our help and support to the people back home in the Philippines, this noble cause became a possibility. Our sincere gratitude to all the Board of Directors who are always there to support our cause.
We thank the Almighty once more for giving us, Josiah Zion Foundation Inc, the opportunity to do another humanitarian outreach to the people of Sta Cruz Laguna Philippines. Our enormous gratitude to all our partners and sponsors especially the Alumni of Gumaca National High School class of 1985, the municipal government of Sta Cruz , the Sta Cruz Laguna Medical Society, the Socal Mapua, Echo Park Tennis Club , Octapro Mcsi, CNHS batch 85 ( Cavite Nat'l High Sch ) , Fulgent Wellness, and many more.
Josiah Zion Foundation (February 28, 2022) would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Muntinlupa City Dental Public Health led by Dr. Elsa Olea, and SAMPA (Samahang Paglilingkod led by Mildred Valderama Calubad, in partnering with us to conduct the Dental Mission in Marillac Hills (National School for Girls) and offer some school and sport supplies to the students (affected by domestic injustice)
FREE INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR for FILIPINO TEACHERS - Sponsored by United Federation of FIl-Am Educators Los Angeles - Orange County Chapter (UNIFFIED-LA-OC) & Josiah Zion Foundation - FEB. 17, 2024, Thank full to Ms. Mary Ann M. Palencia, Dr. Mabeth Bibe, D Marvin Gano, Dr. Salvador (Bong) Benavides and Dr. Ronie L. Mataquel for collaborating with Josiah Zion Foundation in helping our Filipino Teachers to avail of these series of International Webinar.
Our utmost gratitude to our Almighty and to all our donors and sponsors who continuously help and support our humanitarian outreach: to the leadership and officers of CNHS School Alumni '85; Philippine Navy, Home Dialysis Therapies of San Diego, Cavite Prov. Health Office, Cavite City Health Office; Sta Cruz Medical Society, APO Caravan, Echo Park Tennis Club, Octapro MCSI, Rising Era Dynasty, CNF Pharmaceutical, Cathay Drug Co., Samahang Paglilingkod, and to all Doctors and nurses.
Josiah Zion Foundation (March 7, 2022, CNHS Campus) would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our Almighty for all the blessings and to Cavite National High School Class of 1985 (CNHS Batch '85) in helping the CNHS Special Children and in establishing the CNHS'85 Philharmonic Orchestra by donating all the musical instruments needed for the group. Also, our gratitude to our partners and donors: Cathay Drug Company- Multivitamins, SAMPA - school supplies, and Sogo Cares - Blankets and towel
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